Category:8" Rifle Mark VI M3

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8" Rifle Mark VI M3 - Navy gun adapted for coastal defense batteries and railway Batteries

8" Mark VI M3A2 Gun and M1 Barbette Carriage from TM 9-442
8" Mark VI M3A2 Gun and Railroad, M1A1, Baldwin Carriage
Gun & Carriage Specifications
Specification Value Units
Weight of Gun Complete 55,290 Lbs
Weight of Carriage 58,470 Lbs
Total Weight 113,860 Lbs
Caliber 8 Inches
Length of Bore 45 Calibers
Length (Muzzle to Face) 369 Inches
Length of Rifling 288.79 Inches
Depth of Rifling .07 Inches
Grooves 64 Number
Traverse 360 Degrees
Max Firing Elevation 45 Degrees
Min Firing Elevation 0 Degrees
Loading Elevation -5 Degrees
Max Rate of Fire Zero Degrees 3 Rounds/min
Max Rate of Fire 45 Degrees 2 Rounds/min
Max Range AP & CI
260 lb Shell
32,000 Yards
Max Range HE
240 lb Shell
35,000 Yards
Normal Powder Charge Weight 75/12 Lb/Oz
Super Powder Charge Weight 108/8 Lb/Oz


  • TM 9-442 Technical Manual - 8-Inch Seacoast Materiel Gun MK. VI Mod. 3A2; Barbette Carriage M1, 19 Apr 1943
