CPS-5 Medium Range Search Radar Set - An air-transportable Medium Range Search Radar set developed by Bell Telephone Laboratories and General Electric and manufactured by General Electric. First produced in January 1945. Used with TPS-10 height-finder radar to form a GCI capability. The CPS-5 was used in the early Alaska AC&W network and in the Lashup system in the lower 48 states. Some CP-5s continued to be used in the early permanent network sites. Generally replaced with FPS-3 long-range radars as they became available. The CPS-5 was designed to provide a solid search capability at a range of 60 miles and a height of 40,000 feet. Greater range could be achieved by antenna tilt adjustments at the sacrifice of lower-level coverage. The CPS-5 had some success at tracking aircraft as far away as 210 miles. CPS-5 Search Radar