Battery 25 (1942-1944) - Battery 25 was a reinforced concrete, World War II 155mm coastal gun battery on Cape May Military Reservation, Cape May County, New Jersey. Battery construction started 31 Dec 1941, was completed 15 Jun 1942 and transferred to the Coast Artillery for use 14 Apr 1944 at a cost of $ 21,100.00. Deactivated in 1946.
Originally built as a World War II concrete coastal gun battery with four 155mm M1918MI guns mounted on M1917 mobile carriages emplaced on concrete Panama Mounts. Four igloo magazines constructed of corrugated sheet metal were placed behind the gun positions. The guns were emplaced in 1942 and removed in February 1944.
Source: RCW Form 1, 1 Jan 1945, Coast Defense Study Group, Berhow, Mark A. ed, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, CDSG Press, McLean, VA, 2004, ISBN 0-9748167-0-1, pages 190-191, 208
Battery 26 Plan
Current Status
Part of Cape May Point State Park. No remains visible.