Battery Humphreys (2) (1899-1928 ) - Battery Humphreys (2) was a concrete Endicott Period 10" disappearing gun battery located on Fort Washington (1), Maryland. The Battery was originally designated as Battery "D" but was later named for Maj. Gen. Andrew A. Humphreys(Cullum 641), Chief of U.S. Army Engineers 1866-1879. Battery construction was completed in June 1899 and the battery was transferred to the Coast Artillery for use 6 Jul 1899 at a total cost of $93,207.00. Deactivated in 1928.
Battery Humphreys was a reinforced concrete Endicott Period 10" disappearing gun battery with two M1888MII guns mounted on M1896 carriages. The carriages arrived at Fort Washington (1) in late 1898 and the guns were mounted in November-December 1898. The Battery was deactivated sometime before 16 Aug 1928 because the carriages were salvaged on that date. Both guns were shipped to Aberdeen 27 Aug 1929.
Source: Coast Defense Study Group, RCW Form 1 1 Feb 1919, Berhow, Mark A. ed, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, CDSG Press, McLean, VA, 2004, ISBN 0-9748167-0-1, pages 124, 209 Note 1: Both guns sent to Aberdeen 27 Aug 1929 CDSG Gun Card Collection from NARA, carriage #34 arrived 16 Mar 1898 from Watertown, carriage #57 arrived 23 Sep 1898 from Bethlehem, both carriages were salvaged 16 Aug 1928 CDSG gun carriage card collection from NARA.
Battery Humphreys Plan
Current Status
On Fort Washington National Park, Maryland. No period guns or carriages are in place. This battery was very clean and well presented at the time of our visit.