Battery JAAN 1 - Cabrillo Beach (1942-1946) - Battery JAAN 1 - Cabrillo Beach was a reinforced concrete World War II 3" gun battery operated as a sub-post of Fort MacArthur, Los Angeles County, California. The Battery was named JAAN because it was jointly manned by Army and Navy personnel, Joint Army And Navy. Battery construction started 6 Jul 1942, was completed 11 Jan 1943 and transferred to the Coast Artillery for use 12 Apr 1943 at a total cost of $8,040. Deactivated in 1946.
Battery JAAN 1 - Cabrillo Beach, Gun Emplacement, View Toward the Harbor
Battery JAAN 1 - Cabrillo Beach, Concrete Block Adjacent to Gun Emplacement
Battery JAAN 1 - Cabrillo Beach, Concrete Emplacement with a Concrete Park Bench on it
Battery JAAN 1 - Cabrillo Beach was a World War II gun battery with two M1903, 3" guns mounted on M1903 Pedestal Mounts with a modified shield. The three inch guns were originally emplaced in Battery Lodor and removed when harbor construction dictated the removal of Dead Man's Island and Battery Lodor from Los Angeles Harbor.
Battery JAAN 1 - Cabrillo Beach Armament(edit list)
Source: Coast Defense Study Group, Berhow, Mark A. ed, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, CDSG Press, McLean, VA, 2004, ISBN 0-9748167-0-1 Note 1: Guns from Battery Lodor fitted with new shields
Battery JAAN 1 - Cabrillo Beach Plan 1919
Current Status
No gun or mounts in place. One concrete emplacement remains.