Battery McCorkle

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Battery McCorkle (1901-1920) - Battery McCorkle was a reinforced concrete, Endicott Period 3 inch coastal gun battery on Fort Moultrie, South Carolina. The battery was named in G.O. 78, 25 May 1903, after 1st Lt. Henry McCorkle, 25th U.S. Infantry, who was killed 1 Jul 1898, at the battle of El Caney, Cuba, during the Spanish-American War. Battery construction started 1900, was completed in 1901 and transferred to the Coast Artillery for use 16 Jul 1901 at a cost of $ 9,390.79. Deactivated in 1920.

Battery McCorkle
Battery McCorkle Gun Emplacement #1 with Replacement M1903 Gun

Endicott Period (1890-1910)

Part of the Harbor Defense of Charleston.

Originally built as an Endicott Period concrete coastal gun battery with three 3" M1898 rapid fire guns mounted on M1898 Masking Parapet carriages. This was a two story battery built into the old Fort Moultrie. Each emplacement had the gun mounted on the upper level and a magazine down below. No powder or shell lifts were provided. Electrical power provided for lighting by cable from Battery Jasper.

Battery McCorkle Armament (edit list)
Model Serial
Manufacturer Carriage Service
1 3" Rifle 154.5" M1898MI 13 Driggs-Seabury Masking Parapet, M1898,
#13, Driggs-Seabury
1901-1920 See note 1
2 3" Rifle 154.5" M1898MI 6 Driggs-Seabury Masking Parapet, M1898,
#6, Driggs-Seabury
1901-1920 See note 1
2 3" Rifle 154.5" M1898MI 14 Driggs-Seabury Masking Parapet, M1898,
#14, Driggs-Seabury
1901-1920 See note 1
Source: RCW Form 1, 16 Jul 1901, CDSG, Berhow, Mark A. ed, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, CDSG Press, McLean, VA, 2004, ISBN 0-9748167-0-1, pages 70-71, 210
Note 1:
Battery McCorkle Plan

World War I (1917-1918)

The U.S. entry into World War I resulted in a widespread removal of large caliber coastal defense gun tubes for service in Europe. Many of the gun and mortar tubes removed were sent to arsenals for modification and mounting on mobile carriages, both wheeled and railroad. Most of the removed gun tubes never made it to Europe and were either remounted or remained at the arsenals until needed elsewhere. Battery McCorkle was not caught up in the World War I redistribution but was part of the 1920 disarmament program. The gun tubes were transferred back to Watervliet 10 Jul 1920 and the carriages were ordered scrapped 20 May 1920.

Current Status

A single gun and carriage are mounted in gun emplacement #1 as a display. This gun was emplaced in 1980 and is not one of the original weapons.


Location: Fort Moultrie, Charleston, South Carolina

Maps & Images

Lat: 32.7590071 Long: -79.8575699

  • Multi Maps from ACME
  • Maps from Bing
  • Maps from Google
  • Elevation: Gun #1= 24.37', Gun #2= 24.45', Gun #3= 24.50'



Visited: 23 Jan 2010

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