Camp Marcy
Camp Marcy (1845-1846, 1849-1857) - A U.S. Army camp established in 1845 by General Zachary Taylor in present day Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas. Named after William L. Marcy, secretary of war under President Buchanan. Also known as Fort Marcy (4) and Camp at Corpus Christi. Abandoned in 1846.
HistoryCamp Marcy was established as the first Federal post in the new state of Texas. Texas was annexed into the Union on 29 Dec 1845 by Congress. Camp Marcy was established on 15 Aug 1845 and was in operation when Texas was officially annexed on 19 Feb 1846. General Zachary Taylor moved his command to Corpus Christi from St. Joseph's Island and the entire 8th U.S. Infantry in 1846. Taylor and his troops left Camp Marcy in March 1846 at the beginning of the Mexican War to establish Fort Brown (1) on the Mexican border. General Taylor went on to capture Mexico City and conquer Mexico in 1847 and end the Mexican War in 1848. A U.S. Army supply post was established in 1849 at the site of Camp Marcy and General Persifor Smith moved his headquarters to Corpus Christi about 1853. The Camp Marcy site may have been known as Fort Marcy during this period. Confederate forces may have used the site during the U.S. Civil War. Current StatusPart of Artesian City Park, Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas.
Links: Visited: 7 Dec 2011