How To: Document Endicott Period Batteries
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How to document Endicott Period gun batteries on a specific fort page.
Create a template and tailor the code below for the specific fort and batteries
- The template is created on the fort page by placing {{FtStevensEndicott}} on the fort page.
- The template will appear as a red link on the fort page when the fort page is saved.
- Click on the red link to bring up the template page for editing
- Paste the code below into the template page
- Modify the code for each battery and remove unnecessary lines.
- Save the template page
The template should now appear at the location of the red link on the fort page.
Sample Code
{{BatteryListHeader|Fort=Fort Stevens|Period=Endicott Period}} {{BatteryList|Name=Battery Mishler|Number=2|Caliber=10"|Carriage=Disappearing Carriage|Dates=1898-1941|Notes=}} {{BatteryList|Name=Battery Lewis|Number=2|Caliber=10"|Carriage=Disappearing Carriage|Dates=1897-1920|Notes=}} {{BatteryList|Name=Battery Walker|Number=2|Caliber=10"|Carriage=Disappearing Carriage|Dates=1897-1920|Notes=}} {{BatteryList|Name=Battery Clark|Number=8|Caliber=12"|Carriage=Mortar Carriage|Dates=1899-1942|Notes=}} {{BatteryList|Name=Battery Pratt|Number=2|Caliber=6"|Carriage=Disappearing Carriage|Dates=1898-1943|Notes=}} {{BatteryList|Name=Battery Freeman|Number=2|Caliber=6"|Carriage=6" Barbette|Dates=1902-1917|Notes=}} {{BatteryList|Name=Battery Freeman|Number=1|Caliber=3"|Carriage=15-pounder Barbette|Dates=1902-1920|Notes=}} {{BatteryList|Name=Battery Smur|Number=2|Caliber=3"|Carriage=Masking Pedestal Mount|Dates=1899-1920|Notes=}} {{BatteryList|Name=Battery Russell|Number=2|Caliber=10"|Carriage=Disappearing Carriage|Dates=1904-1944|Notes=}} {{BatteryListFooter|Source=[ Coast Defense Study Group]}}
Battery Click on Battery links below |
No. | Caliber | Type Mount | Service Years | Battery Cost | Notes |
Battery Mishler | 2 | 10" | Disappearing Carriage | 1898-1900-1900-1941 | $ 302,014 | |
Battery Lewis | 2 | 10" | Disappearing Carriage | 1896-1898-1898-1918 | $ * | |
Battery Walker | 2 | 10" | Disappearing Carriage | 1896-1898-1898-1918 | $ * | |
Battery Clark | 8 | 12" | Mortar Carriage | 1897-1898-1899-1942 | $ 71,547 | |
Battery Pratt | 2 | 6" | Disappearing Carriage | 1899-1900-1900-1943 | $ 59,955 | |
Battery Freeman | 1 2 |
3" 6" |
15-pounder Barbette 6" Barbette |
1900-1900-1900-1920 1901-1901-1902-1917 |
$ 5,398 $ 34,539 |
Battery Smur | 2 | 3" | Masking Pedestal Mount | 1899-1900-1900-1920 | $ 11,955 | |
Battery Russell | 2 | 10" | Disappearing Carriage | 1903-1904-1904-1944 | $ 125,000 | |
Source: CDSG |