Photos courtesy of Dan Graves. The captions were written on the back of the photos. Click three times on each image to view the maximum image size.
- Sandy Hook Proving Ground Photos
This is what happens to the armor of a battle ship when the Coast Artillery gets a chance.
Firing the National Salute Sandy Hook Proving Ground NJ.
The New Shops Sandy Hook Proving Ground NJ.
The "worlds greatest gun" at Sandy Hook proving Ground NJ. Weight 130 tons, length 591 inches, diameter of powder chamber, 60 inches, Powder charge 800 lbs, weight of projectile 2400 lbs, range 30 miles, weight of high explosives in shell 140 lbs.
On the Steamer "Ordnance" going to the yacht races.
A view of the "front" at Sandy Hook Proving Ground where most of the proof firing is done.
A view of the "front" from the 12 inch gun-lift battery at Sandy Hook Proving Ground.
The U.S. Steamer "Ordnance" lying at the dock at Sandy Hook N.J. This is the boat I am in command of this year.
The Sandy Hook Proving ground Rail Road.
Watch towers of the Western Union Telegraph Co. and Postal Telegraph Cable Co. Sandy Hook N.J. Here all the incoming and outgoing vessels are reported.
Landing the Worlds Greatest Gun at Sandy Hook Proving Ground N.J. This is a 16 inch gun - wt 284500 lbs - length 591 inches - diameter over powder chamber 60 inches - weight of projectile 2400 lbs and carries 140 lbs of high explosive stronger than dynamite.
The "Brick House" Bachelors Quarters Sandy Hook Proving Ground N.J.
The "Locomotive Crane" handling a 12 inch mortar at Sandy Hook Proving Ground.
A view of the guns and projectiles stored at Sandy Hook Proving Ground for the current proof and experimental work. The soldier in the center is Sgt. Hunt who loads all the high explosive shell and is an expert in handling explosives of all kinds.
A derrick for the landing heavy freight down at the dock at Sandy Hook Proving Ground N.J.
Length of shell 5 ft, 4-1/2 in. Winner of first prize in a news photo contest conducted by Leslie's Weekly of N.Y. City in the issue of Dec, 20th, 1906.
A 16 inch shell - wt 2400 lbs - nice toy for a baby.
Light House at Sandy Hook, N.J. Erected on what was the "Point" of the Hook in the year 1762 by the British to serve te double purpose of light house and military prison. The latter being in the form of a dungeon underneath. One century later in 1764 the dungeon was covered over and otherwise was leveled. Mr. Tarmmel Jewell has held his present position as keeper of the light for over thirty years.