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Civil War Union Prisons (edit list)
Prison State Type Start End Capacity Held Escaped Died GPS Notes
Albany Penitentiary NY 1 1862 1863 ? ? ? ? Western Penitentiary
Allegheny City PA 1 1863 1864 ? 118 0 0
Alton IL 1 1862 1865 800 1,891 120 1,508 @ St. Louis
Arsenal Penitentiary DC 1 1861 1861 ? ? ? ? @ Washington DC
Atheneum WV 1, 3 1863 1865 ? 497 12 2 40.06265,
@ Wheeling
Baltimore City Jail MD 1 1861 1863 ? 700 ? ? @ Baltimore
Benton Barracks MO 3 1861 1862 ? ? ? ? @ St. Louis
Camp Butler IL 4 1862 1863 2,100 2,186 203 866 @ Springfield IL
Camp Chase OH 4 1861 1865 4,000 9,423 37 2,260 39.94389,
@ Columbus
Camp Dennison OH 3 1862 1862 ? ? ? ? 39.19111,
@ Cincinnati
Camp Douglas IL 4 1862 1865 6,000 12,082 317+ 4,454 41.83112,
@ Chicago
Camp Hoffman MD 5 1863 1865 10,000 22,000 50 3,584 38.04270,
@ Point Lookout
aka Point Lookout
Camp Morton IN 3, FG 1862 1865 2,000 5,000 150+ 1,763 39.79480,
@ Indianapolis
Camp Randall WI 4, FG 1862 1862 3,000? 1,260 ? 142 43.06972,
@ Madison
Carroll Prison DC 3 1862 1865 1,000 2,763 16 457 38.89028,
@ Washington DC
Duff Green's Row Prison
Old Capitol Prison
Castle Thunder MD 3 1862 1862 ? ? ? ?
Castle Williams NY 2 1861 1865 250? 713 ? ? 40.69280,
@ New York City
Confederate EM
Charleston WV 1 1862 1863 ? ? ? ?
Chester PA 3 1863 1863 ? ? ? ?
Columbus KY 1 1862 1862 ? ? ? ?
David's Island NY 4, 5 1863 1865 1,800 3,000 ? ? 40.88361,
@ New York City
Edward's Island NY 5 1863 1864 ? ? ? ?
Elmira NY 4 1864 1865 5,000 9,441 17 2,933 42.08153,
@ Elmira NY
Camp Rathbun
Evansville IN 3 1862 1862 ? 500 ? ?
Forrest Hall DC 3 1861 1862 ? ? ? ? @ Washington DC
Georgetown Prison
Fort Columbus NY 2 1861 1865 250? ? ? ? 40.69139,
@ New York City
Fort Craig NM 3 1861 1861 ? ? ? 0 33.63524,
Fort Delaware DE 2 1861 1865 ? 12,600 52 2,460 39.58952,
Fort Jefferson FL 2 1864 1865 900+ 300+ ? ? 24.62861,
Dry Tortugas Island Prison
Fort Lafayette NY 2 1861 1865 50 163 2 2+ 40.60833,
@ New York City
Fort Massachusetts (1) MS 2 1864 1865 4,430 5 103 30.212304,
Ship Island
Fort McHenry MD 2 1861 1865 600 6,957 37 33 39.26165,
@ Baltimore
Fort Mifflin PA 2 1863 1864 200 215 42 3 39.87539,
Fort Monroe VA 2 1861 1865 ? 50 ? ? 37.00413,
Fort Norfolk VA 2 1864 1864 ? ? ? ? 36.85684,
Fort Pickens FL 2 1862 1865 ? 146 11 2 30.327,
Fort Pulaski GA 2 1864 1865 336? 558 0 0 32.02722,
Fort Riley KS 2 1862 1862 ? 17? ? 8 39.06328,
Fort Schuyler NY 2 1864 1865 500 500? ? ? 40.80525,
@ New York City
Fort Wayne IN 3 1862 1862 ? 500 ? ?
Fort Warren (2) MA 2 1861 1865 175 394 4 12 42.32034,
@ Boston
Fort Wood (2) NY 2 1861 1864 ? 108 0 3 40.68997,
@ New York City
Governors Island NY 2 1861 1865 500 1 47 @ New York City
Castle Williams- EM
Fort Jay - Officers
Gratiot Street MO 3 1861 1865 500 1,800 109+ 1,140 38.620236,
@ St. Louis
aka McDowell Medical College
Guerrilla Prison MO 3 1863 1863 ? 15 ? 5
Hart's Island NY 4, 5 1865 1865 ? 3,446 4 235 @ New York City
Hilton Head SC 1, 3, 5 1864 1865 800? 800 ? ?
Hope Slater MD 1 1861 1863 ? ? ? ? @ Baltimore
Johnson's Island OH 4 1862 1865 1,000 3,256 12 235
Kansas City MO 3 1863 1863 ? 15 ? 5
Knoxville TN 1 1863 1864 ? ? ? 4?
Lafayette IN 3 1862 1862 ? 500 ? 28
Lexington KY 1 1862 1864 ? ? ? ?
Little Rock AR 3 1864 1865 ? 718 3 217
Louisiana State House LA 1 1862 1863 ? ? ? ?
Louisville KY 1, 4 1863 1865 ? 6,737 25 343
Ludlow Street Jail NY 1 1861 1861 ? ? ? ? @ New York City
Mare's Island CA 4 1863 1863 ? 20 ? ?
McLean Barracks OH 3 1863 1864 ? 179 10 4 @ Cincinnati
Memphis TN 3 1864 1865 ? 582 1 3
Missouri Penitentiary MO 1 1864 1865 ? 15 0 0
Morris Island SC 5 1864 1864 558? 558 0 3
Moyamensing Penitentiary PA 1 1863 1863 ? ? ? ?
Myrtle Street MO 3 1861 1865 100 150 ? ? @ St. Louis
aka Lynch's Slave pen
Nashville TN 3 1863 1865 ? 7,460 36 359 @Nashville
Tennessee State Penitentiary
New Albany IN 3 1862 1862 ? 500 ? ?
Newport News VA 5 1865 1865 10,000 3,490 17 168 36.99488,
@ Newport News
Ohio Penitentiary OH 1 1863 1864 ? 68 5 0
Old Capitol DC 3 1861 1865 500 2,763 16 457 @ Washington DC
Paducah KY 3 1862 1863 ? ? ? ?
Parish Prison LA 1 1863 1865 ? 1,856 226 213
Richmond IN 3 1862 1863 500 500 ? ?
Riker's Island NY 4 1864 1865 1,000 1,000 ? ? @ New York City
Rock Island IL 4 1863 1865 10,080 8,607 41 1,960 41.51890,
@ Rock Island
St. Charles MO 1 1861 1861 ? ? ? ?
Schofield Barracks MO 3 1861 1861 ? ? ? ? @ St. Louis
Springfield MO 3 1861 1861 ? ? ? ? @ Springfield MO
Terre Haute MO 3 1862 1862 ? 500 ? ? @ Terre Haute
Tombs Prison NY 1 1861 1862 300 40 0 0 @ New York City
Ward's Island NY 4 1863 1864 ? ? ? ? @ New York City
Washington County Jail DC 1 1861 1861 100 240 ? ? @ Washington DC
* Speer, Lonnie R., Portals to Hell:Military Prisons of the Civil War, Stackpole Books, 1997, Mechanicsburg, PA, ISBN 0-8117-0334-7, 410 pages
1 - Existing jail or prison
2 - Coastal fortification
3 - Converted building
4 - Barracks w high fence
5 - Tent clusters w high fence
6 - Barren stockades
7 - Converted fairgrounds (FG)
8 - Guarded open area (OA)