Category:Taft Period Forts: Difference between revisions

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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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<googlemap version="0.9" lat="29.382175" lon="-132.451172" type="map" zoom="4" width="800" height="400" scale="yes" overview="no" controls="large" icons="{label}.png">
<googlemap lat="37.857507" lon="-93.779297" zoom="4" type="map" width="800" height="400" scale="yes" overview="no" controls="large" icons="{label}.png">
(F) 32.685114, -117.237124, Fort Rosecrans
(F) 33.71194, -118.29528, Fort MacArthur
(F) 21.300604, -157.863149, Fort Armstrong (2)
(F) 21.280802, -157.833035, Fort De Russy (2)
(F) 21.323333, -157.959444, Fort Kamehameha
(F) 21.2705494, -157.8000963, Fort Ruger
(F) 21.3205556, -157.9822222, Fort Weaver
== Taft Period Forts (1907-1920) ==
See [[Taft Period]]
In 1905, after the experiences of the [[Spanish American War]], President [[Theodore Roosevelt]] appointed a new board, under secretary of war [[William Howard Taft]]. They updated some standards and reviewed the progress on the Endicott board's program. Most of the changes recommended by this board were technical; such as adding more searchlights, electrification (lighting, communications, and projectile handling), and a more sophisticated optical aiming techniques.  The Taft program fortifications differed slightly in battery construction and had fewer numbers of guns at a given location than those of the Endicott program. Except for construction a [[Fort McArthur]] most Taft Period prograns were outside the United States. By the beginning of [[World War I]], the United States had a coastal defense system that was equal to any other nation.

* [ Wikipedia Taft Period]
* [ Wikipedia Taft Period]
[[Category:Coastal Forts]]
[[Category:Coastal Battery]]

Latest revision as of 16:06, 27 November 2013


See Taft Period
