Christopher Point Battery
Christopher Point Battery (1941-1944) - Christopher Point Battery was a World War II Canadian reinforced concrete 8 inch coastal gun battery at Christopher Point, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Deactivated in 1944. World War II (1939-1945)Part of the Harbor Defense of Victoria and Esquimalt Harbors. Also considered part of the World War II Joint United States and Canadian Harbor Defense of Juan de Fuca Strait. The United States furnished two 8" M1888MII guns (serial #19 and #51) and two M1918 barbette carriages (42 degree) as well as some technical support for the battery in July 1941. The Canadian National Defence Headquarters then approved $11,000 to purchase seventy-four rounds of ammunition from the United States to start training. These guns fired 200 pound shells with a range of 23,500 yards and they covered the southern shore of the Strait of Juan de Fuca to a point west of Port Angeles. These installations were supplemented, on the American side of the strait, by another battery of two 8-inch railway guns and two 155mm batteries with four guns. Another battery of two American 8-inch railway guns was erected at Fairview Fort to supplement the Prince Rupert defenses. The Fort Fairview guns were dismounted and returned to the United States at the end of 1944. The Christopher Point guns were transferred back to the U.S. Black Hills Depot as of 19 Jan 1945. Current StatusBattery still exists at the Rocky Point Naval establishment with no public access. No period guns or mounts in place.
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