Snake War

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Snake War (1864–1868) - A war against the Northern Paiute, Bannock and Western Shoshone Indian bands who lived along the Snake River, collectively known as the Snake Indians. Fought by the U.S. Army in the states of Oregon, Nevada, and California, and in the Idaho Territory. Casualties totaled some 1,762 dead, wounded, or captured.

Snake War Era Posts (1864–1868) (edit list)
Post State From To GPS Notes
Fort Bidwell CA 1865 1893 41.85928,
Fort Boise (1) ID 1863 1913 43.62051,
Camp Three Forks Owyhee ID 1867 1871 42.71583,
Aka Fort Winthrop (2)
Camp Lyon (1) ID 1865 1869 43.1285,
Actually in Oregon
Fort McDermit NV 1865 1889 41.97218,
Fort Churchill (1) NV 1860 1869 39.2925,
Fort Ruby NV 1862 1869 40.06778,
Fort McGarry NV 1865 1868 41.54351,
Camp Smoke Creek NV 1862 1864 40.55306,
Camp McKee (2) NV 1865 1866 40.71268,
Fort Dalles OR 1847 1867 45.59621,
Fort Klamath OR 1863 1890 42.69234,
Camp Dahlgren OR 1864 1864 44.13333,
Camp Henderson OR 1964 1966 42.80444,
Camp Maury OR 1964 1964 44.079,
Camp Russell OR 1864 1865 44.95917,
Camp Watson OR 1864 1869 44.48528,
Camp Colfax OR 1865 1865 44.27139,
Camp Curry OR 1865 1866 43.64,
Camp Polk (1) OR 1865 1866 44.32343,
Camp Wright (1) OR 1865 1866 43.4499,
Camp Warner (1) OR 1866 1867 42.43043,
Camp Warner (2) OR 1867 1874 42.39833,

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