North Head WWII Radar Site (2)
North Head WWII Radar Site (2) (1944-1946) - A World War II U.S. Army Radar Site established in 1944. Used to provide fire control information to large caliber (6" and above) coastal gun batteries in the Harbor Defense of the Columbia River. Located on Fort Canby near Cape Disapointment, Pacific County, Washington. Closed in 1946.
HistoryPart of the Harbor Defense of the Columbia. Constructed under project No. RAD 9-1014 and transferred for use on 17 May 1944 as North Head SCR-296A Radar Site. Construction costs to date of transfer were $10,652.62. The physical plant consisted of a transmitter building, two power houses each with a 1000 gallon fuel tank, a 100' steel tower and a antenna housing disguised as a water tank atop the tower. The three buildings and the tower were prefabricated steel units furnished by the Signal Corps. The buildings and the tower were placed on concrete pads and footings installed by the Corps of Engineers who erected all of the structures. Access to the antenna on top of the tower was by a small elevator operated by a 4 hp electric motor. The engineering construction work was done by government forces who started on 26 Nov 1943 and finished on 29 Apr 1944. A small barracks was located at the north end of the compound not furnished under this project. The radar equipment was installed by the Signal Corps. It required 16.3kW of 120/240 AC, 1 phase, 60 cycle power furnished by commercial power backed up by the two on-site generators. The two 25 kW generators were furnished and installed by the Signal Corps. The Radar track data was provided by telephone to support Battery 246 as the primary battery and to secondary batteries including Battery 245 and Battery 247. Battery 246 was a 6" gun battery located on Fort Canby. The SCR-296A Radar equipment was declared obsolete by AG letter on 17 Jan 1946. The Tower and radar equipment were to be disposed of while the buildings were retained. ClosureClosed in 1946. Current StatusNo remains.
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