Fort Briggs
Fort Briggs (1855-1856) - A stockaded settler house converted to a fortification during the Rogue River Indian War of 1855-56. This fort protected settlers from the Sucker Creek area in the Illinois River Valley, Josephine County, Oregon. Abandoned for military purposes at the end of the war.
Rogue River Indian War (1855-1856)A stockaded settler log house converted to a fort on the land donation claim of George E. Biggs (section 35, twp 39 south, range 8 west) during the Rogue River Indian War. The fort provided shelter for some 80 settlers along Sucker Creek in the Illinois River Valley. The squared log house and two barns were enclosed with a stockade. The fort was abandoned for military purposes at the end of the war but remained standing until 1908. Current StatusMarker only in Josephine County, Oregon. The fort structure burned to the ground in 1908.
Visited: 10 Nov 2012