Battery Lewis
Battery Lewis (1897-1918) - Battery Lewis was built at Fort Stevens between Sep 1896 and Apr 1898 and was transferred for service 3,5 Apr 1898 at a cost of $302,014 (included Battery Walker and Battery Mishler). Originally contained three sets of two gun emplacements (six guns) that were later given three separate names, Battery Walker, Battery Lewis and Battery Mishler. The original Battery Lewis was named in S.O. 43, 4 Apr 1900, as a six gun battery for Capt. Meriwether Lewis, of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Deactivated in 1918.

Battery Lewis History
Part of the Harbor Defense of the Columbia.
A concrete Endicott Period battery facing the mouth of the Columbia River with two, 10" M1888MII rifles on disappearing carriages, one M1896 and one M1894. Battery Lewis originally contained six guns and carriages but was renamed into Battery Mishler, Battery Walker and Battery Lewis each with two guns and carriages.
This is a two story battery with the lower level containing a shot room, a powder room, shot chambers and tool rooms for each emplacement. In 1905, two Taylor-Raymond electric motor driven, back delivery, shell hoists were installed, one for each emplacement. The battery seems to have been modified for the newer long point shells at a later date.
In 1911, a two story BC station was built at the back of the battery that contained an observing room at the top and a plotting room below, each 15' x 15', at a cost of $ 3,398.67.
In 1912, Type C powder hoists were installed and transfered 6 May 1912. Retracting motors were installed on both emplacements.
Empl No |
Caliber Type |
Barrel Length |
Model | Serial No |
Manufacturer | Carriage | Service Dates |
Notes | |
1 | 10" Rifle | 367.25" | M1888MII | 11 | Bethlehem | Disappearing Carriage L.F., M1896, #4d, Niles |
1897-1918 | See note 1 | |
2 | 10" Rifle | 367.25" | M1888MII | 49 | Watervliet | Disappearing Carriage L.F., M1894, #3a, Kilby |
1897-1918 | See note 1 | |
Source: Form 1, 30 Jun 1921, RCB, 22 Sep 1903, 31 Dec 1910, 31 Dec 1915, Coast Defense Study Group, Berhow, Mark A. ed, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, CDSG Press, McLean, VA, 2004, ISBN 0-9748167-0-1, page 122-125, 216 Note 1: Guns transferred to Watervliet 21 Jun 1918, carriage #4 scrapped 26 May 1920 & held for parts, carriage #3 scrapped 26 May 1920, CDSG Gun Card Collection from NARA |

World War I
On 29 May 1918 the removal of the two 10" guns at Battery Walker for service abroad was ordered. The guns were removed 20-21 Jun 1918, shipped to the Watervliet Arsenal and never replaced. The carriages remained until they were scrapped 26 May 1920. Parts of carriage #4 were kept as spares.
Current Status
The battery is in fair condition and open to the public. No guns or carriages are in place.
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Location: On Fort Stevens, Oregon Maps & Images Lat: 46.207157 Long: -123.968219 |
Visited: 18 May 2008, 14 Feb 2008
Battery Lewis Picture Gallery
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Battery Lewis Carriage Mounting Ring
Battery Lewis View of Gun Emplacement & Control Station