Fort Deposit (1)

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Fort Deposit (1) (1794-1794) - Established on 19 Aug 1794 by General 'Mad"" Anthony Wayne on his way to the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Abandoned in 1794 after the Battle of Fallen Timbers.

Fort Deposit (1) History

In 1794 General "Mad" Anthony Wayne marched his troops toward the heart of the hostile Indian indian country near the present day city of Maumee, Ohio. Along the way, he carefully constructed a line of forts from Fort Washington to Fort Deposit as supply points and to secure communications and supply lines. The forts were about a day's march from each other. General Wayne was the third American general to attempt to control what had become a confederation of hostile Indian tribes with British support, he did not want to repeat the mistakes of his predecessors who both failed with horrific results.

Established on 19 Aug 1794 by General "Mad" Anthony Wayne as a logistics base on his way to the Battle of Fallen Timbers. The post had three large rectangular enclosures each with corner bastions. External breastworks served as guard houses.

General Wayne left Capt. Zebulon Pike and two hundred soldiers at the fort and he advanced to meet the hostile Indians at Fallen Timbers on 20 Aug 1794. The battle was a decisive victory for the Americans and led to the signing of the treaty of Greenville ending the conflict. General Wayne stayed at Fort Deposit long enough to treat his wounded and prepare for the journey back to Fort Defiance (5). The fort was abandoned when General Wayne departed.

Current Status

Marker only.


Location: Lucas County, Ohio.

Maps & Images

Lat: 41.488342 Long: -83.730581


  • Roberts, Robert B., Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States, Macmillan, New York, 1988, 10th printing, ISBN 0-02-926880-X, page 639


Visited: No

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