Camp Winfield Scott (1)
Camp Winfield Scott (1) (1866-1871) - A U.S. Army Camp established in 1866 during the Snake Indian War by Captain Murray Davis, Company A, 8th U.S. Cavalry, in Humboldt County, Nevada. Named for Major General Winfield Scott. Abandoned in 1871.
= Camp Winfield Scott (1) HistoryEstablished 12 Dec 1866 by Captain Murray Davis and Company A, 8th Cavalry. The camp was built of adobe, rock and lumber along Cottonwood Creek at the north end of Paradise Valley, Nevada. Established to control hostile Indians who were attacking settlers and miners. As of July 1870 the post had Adobe Quarters for 100 men, two adobe officers quarters, two sod quartermaster's storage buildings, a rough stone hospital, an insecure guardhouse and stables described as "... liable to take fire at any time." The 1874 plan shown above would indicate progress in building out the camp. Current StatusThe site is on private property about four miles north of the town of Paradise Valley in Humboldt County, Nevada. No public access, road is gated and locked.
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