Battery McFarland
Battery McFarland ( ) - Battery McFarland was a concrete Endicott Period 4.7" gun battery located on Fort Armistead, Maryland. In 1903 the Battery was named for ..... McFarland, ..... . Battery construction started in 1897, was completed in 1899 and transferred to the Coastal Artillery for use 15 Jan 1900 at a total cost of $140,383.10 (cost included both Battery McFarland and Battery Winchester) . Deactivated in .
Battery McFarland History
Part of the Harbor Defense of Baltimore.
Battery McFarland was a reinforced concrete EndicottPeriod 8" gun battery with three guns mounted on Armstrong Barbette Carriages. The carriages arrived at Fort Armistead on 12 Aug 1898 and presumably the gun tubes arrived with them. The guns and the carriages were removed and shipped to Fort Ruger in the Hawaiian Islands on 24 Jul 1913.
Empl No |
Caliber Type |
Barrel Length |
Model | Serial No |
Manufacturer | Carriage | Service Dates |
Notes | |
? | 8" Rifle | 278.5" | M1888MI | 16 | Watervliet | Disappearing, LF M1894, #14, Watertown |
1900-1917 | See Note 1 | |
? | 8" Rifle | 278.5" | M1888MI | 18 | Watervliet | Disappearing, LF M1894, #16, Watertown |
1900-1917 | See Note 1 | |
? | 8" Rifle | 278.5" | M1888MI | 22 | Watervliet | Disappearing, LF M1894, #18, Watertown |
1900-1917 | See Note 1 | |
Source: CDSG, RCW Form 1, 1 Jan 1920, Berhow, Mark A. ed, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, CDSG Press, McLean, VA, 2004, ISBN 0-9748167-0-1, pages 70, 108 Note 1: Exact assignment of guns and carriages to emplacements unknown. Guns removed and shipped 21 Dec 1917 to Watervliet, CDSG Gun Card Collection from NARA. Carriages scrapped May 1918. CDSG gun carriage card collection from NARA. |

Current Status
On Fort Armistead Baltimore City Park. No period guns or carriages are in place. The Battery is covered with graffitti and a bit overgrown.
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Location: Fort Armistead City Park, Maryland. Maps & Images Lat: 39.2089551 Long: -76.5340179 |
Visited: 2 Apr 2009
Battery McFarland Picture Gallery
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Battery McFarland Gun Emplacement #1
Battery McFarland Gun Emplacement #1
Battery McFarland Gun Emplacement #2