Fortress of Louisbourg

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Fortress of Louisbourg (1719-1768) - A French colonial fortified city established in 1719 after Queen Anne's War on present day Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Abandoned in 1768.

Fortress of Louisbourg, Dauphin Battery
Fortress of Louisbourg, Front of Kings Battery Barracks
Fortress of Louisbourg, Kings Battery Interior and Kings Battery Barracks

Fortress of Louisbourg History

Fortress of Louisbourg, Dauphin Gate
Fortress of Louisbourg, Dauphin Battery Interior

The first siege of Louisbourg began in 1745 as the result of King George's War (1744-1748) between the French and British colonies. The Fortress was captured by the attacking British colonists after 46 days. The war ended with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748 and the Fortress was returned to the French.

File:Plan de Louisbourg vers 1751.jpg
Map of Louisbourg and its artillery batteries in 1751

Current Status

Fortress of Louisbourg Town Site
Fortress of Louisbourg Ordonnatur's Residence
Fortress of Louisbourg Magazine

Must See! Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site of Canada, Nova Scotia, Canada. Operated by Parks Canada. This is a re-creation of the French Fortress of Louisbourg as it appeared in 1744. The re-creation was done in the 1960s by Canadian coal miners and artisans brought in from Europe. About 1/5 of the fortress was completely rebuilt from scratch as there were no remaining buildings from that period, only ruins. The main features that have been replicated include the massive Kings Battery and Kings Battery Barracks, the Dauphin Battery, the Dauphine Gate, the Frederic Gate and four square blocks of the town. The town site buildings include a mix of residences, shops and fortress related buildings. Other buildings are scattered about as they would have been at the time. These are all substantial period stone and frame buildings with period furnishing and manned by knowledgeable individuals.

The fortress is populated with dozens of reactors in period costume, both military and civilian, who interact with visitors. It would seem at first glance that the whole population of the real town works at the recreated fortress but the reactors move around enough to create the illusion of a larger population.

Many period guns and carriages, mounted versions in the Kings Battery and the Dauphine Battery. A row of unmounted cannons outside the Artillery store building.

Activities throughout the day included two cannon firings (11:45 and 16:30) musket firings, guided tours and kids activities. Plan on a full day at the fort or better yet spend two shorter days. Opens at 9:30 and closes at 5:00. Off site visitor center with shuttle bus service to the fortress. Exceptional displays and museum in the Kings Battery Barracks. Admission charge.


Location: Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, Canada

Maps & Images

Lat: 45.8911358 Long: -59.9859202

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Visited: 5-6 Jul 2013

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