Fort Assinniboine (1)

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Fort Assinniboine (1) (1879-1911) - Established 9 May 1879 by Col. Thomas H. Ruger, 18th U.S. Infantry and named for the Assiniboine Indians. Abandoned in 1911.

Fort Assinniboine (1) History

The largest fort constructed in Montana. Fort Assiniboine was built to prevent the Sioux Chief, Sitting Bull, from returning to the U.S. from Canada and to control the local Indian population.

Fort Assiniboine had long rows of brick buildings and barracks with castle like towers at the corners surrounding a very large parade ground.

Current Status



Maps & Images

Lat: 48.5006 Long: -109.7930



Visited: No

Fort Assinniboine (1) Picture Gallery

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