Fort Emory (2)
Fort Emory (2) (1864-1865) - A Union U.S. Civil War Fort established in 1864 near Petersburg, Dinwiddie County, Virginia. Named Fort Emory probably after 1st Lieutenant George W. Emery, 9th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry, who was killed at the Battle of Peebles Farm on 30 Sep 1864. Abandoned in 1865 at the end of the War. The discrepancy between the name spellings is not yet explainable and the fort is also known as Fort Emery. History of Fort EmoryEstablished in 1864 as a Union earthworks fort along the outer secondary line south of Petersburg, Virginia. The fort was situated between Fort Cummings and Fort Siebert and connected to them by entrenchment. These forts all guarded the southern approaches to the Union seige line around Petersburg. Abandoned in 1865 at the end of the war. Current StatusUnknown.
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