Fort Myer

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Fort Myer (1861-Present) - From the original 1,100 acres of the Custis-Lee Estate, it was first established as a Union defense in 1861 during the U.S. Civil War when Fort Cass (2), Virginia, a lunette which was constructed by the 9th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment in June 1861, the name of the fortification was later changed to honor Colonel Thomas Cass, the regiment’s first commander who was killed in 1862 and later included an additional fortification Fort Whipple (1). Named after Major General Amiel W. Whipple (Cullum 1063), who died 7 May 1863 of wounds suffered at the Battle of Chancellorsville. Fort Whipple (1) was renamed Fort Myer on 4 Feb 1881 for Brigadier General Albert J. Myer, first U.S. Army Chief Signal Officer. Active military installation.

Fort Myer Historic Guardhouse Repurposed.
Fort Myer Historic Officer's Club.
Fort Myer Parade.

Fort Myer History

Fort Myer Historic Officer Duplex Quarters.
Fort Myer Historic NCO Duplex Quarters.
Fort Myer Historic Enlisted Barracks.

Established as Fort Whipple during the U.S. Civil War and became one of the circle of Union defenses around Washington DC. Fort Whipple was built in 1862 on property then known as the Arlington Estate of Confederate General Robert E. Lee which overlooked the Potomac River and Washington DC.

The post was situated on high ground northeast of present day Arlington Boulevard and Pershing Drive. It was a bastioned earthwork with a perimeter of 640 yards and emplacements for 47 guns. This fort was one of the few earthworks fortifications around Washington retained after the end of the U.S. Civil War.

The post was upgraded with permanent type buildings beginning in 1872 and became Fort Myer on 4 Feb 1881. The post was divided by the Category:Arlington National Cemetery into two separate areas.

Fort Myer Partial Commanders List (edit list)
Assumed Relieved Rank Name Cullum Notes
1886-12-20 1887-04-15 ‘2d Lt. Ostheim, Louis 2987
1898-07-14 1899-02-01  Capt. Pitcher, John 2634
1899-03 1899-06  Maj. Morgan, George Horace 2858
1900-02-12 1900-04  Maj. Kingsbury, Henry P. 2387
1903-02 1903-12-20 –Col. Edgerly, Winfield S. 2361
1904-11-20 1905-05-20 –Col. Morton, Charles 2297
1918-09 1919-06-15 –Col. Lockett, James 2798
1926-08 1927-03-19 –Col. Glasgow, William J. 3414
1918-09 1919-06-15 –Col. Lockett, James 2798
Dates are formatted in yyyy-mm-dd to sort correctly.
The Cullum Number is the graduation order from the United States Military Academy by year and class rank and links to a page for the officer on the website version of the Cullum Register. Listings without a Cullum Number indicate that the person was not a graduate of the United States Military Academy.

Current Status

An active military installation, a part of the U.S. Army Military District of Washington and Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. Units stationed at the fort providing protection for the President and the Capitol, they guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 24/7, and furnishing military units for ceremonies held within the adjacent Category:Arlington National Cemetery.


Location: Fort Myer, Arlington County, Virginia.

Maps & Images

Lat: 38.8718621 Long: -77.0775355

See Also:



Visited: 21 May 2013