Fort Smith (7)
Fort Smith (7) (1874-c1970) - A Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) fur trading post and fort first established in 1874 along the Slave River at the present day Town of Fort Smith, Northwest Territories. Named after Donald Alexander Smith, a commissioner, governor and principal shareholder of the HBC. Closed after 1970. HistoryA Hudson's Bay Company fur trading post and fort first established in 1874 on the Slave River. The post was down river from a portage around four impassible rapids. Above the rapids the HBC established Smith's Landing Post (actually in Alberta) as a companion portage post. The post was rebuilt and modernized circa 1930. Closed after 1970. Fort Smith Royal Canadian Mounted Police Post (1911-Present)In 1911, a government presence was established at Fort Smith with the arrival of an Indian Affairs agent, a regional medical doctor, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police opened a detachment. Current Status
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