Hoboken Port of Embarkation
Hoboken Port of Embarkation (1917-1920) - A U.S. Army World War I Port of Embarkation established in 1917 in Hoboken, Hudson County, New Jersey. Abandoned in 1920. World War IOne of two primary U.S. Army Ports of Embarkation (Newport News Port of Embarkation and Hoboken Port of Embarkation) established in 1917 to process, men, equipment, supplies and animals for water transport to Europe for use during World War I. Some embarkation took place at ports from Halifax to Charleston and included every port in between. Camp Merritt was initially designated as the Embarkation Camp for the Hoboken Port of Embarkation but it soon became clear that it could not handle the numbers of troops required and in the spring of 1918 Camp Mills and Camp Upton were added. As the embarkment rate reached 10,000 troops per day additional camps in the area were pressed into service. In a single day, 31 Aug 1918, the Port shipped out 46,214 troops.
At the end of the war in November 1918 the port became a debarkation and demobilization center until it was abandoned in 1920.
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