Camp Crane (1)
Camp Crane (1) (1917-1919) - A U.S. Army World War I Training Camp first established as Allentown Camp in 1917 near Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. Named Camp Crane 1 Mar 1918 after Brigadier General Charles H. Crane, surgeon general (1882-1883). Abandoned in 1919. World War IEstablished in 1917 to train and integrate the U.S. Army Ambulance Corps. Camp Crane was established in May 1917 on the grounds of the Allentown Fairgrounds. The U.S. Army Ambulance Service (USAAS) was a separate Corps not tied to specific divisions, it was organized at the beginning of World War I to support American and French troops at the front. The Corps was organized into sections, each one consisting of about 45 men and 20 Ford M1917 ambulances with support vehicles. Allentown produced 95 sections that were trained and deployed to France and 22 that were sent to Italy. Camp Crane also became an embarkation camp in 1918 sending troops and equipment to the Hoboken Port of Embarkation. The post was closed 10 Apr 1919. Current StatusMarker and monument in Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.
Links: Visited: No Camp Crane (1) Picture Gallery