Fort Walker (3)
Fort Walker (3) (1864-1865) - A Confederate U.S. Civil War Fort first established as Battery No. 35 in 1862-1864 near Petersburg, Petersburg City, Virginia. Renamed Fort Walker in 1864 after Confederate Brigadier General Reuben Lindsay Walker, who was chief of artillery with General A.P. Hill’s 3rd Corps. Captured by Union forces on 3 Apr 1865. Abandoned in 1865 at the end of the war. History of Fort Walker (3)Established as Battery No. 35 in 1862-1864 as one of the Confederate defensive earthworks along the "Dimmock Line". Occupied by the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in June 1864 and named Fort Walker. Built as an earthworks fortification for 9 field mounted guns. Located in Bailey’s Woods on high ground east of present-day Willcox Lake.
Fort Walker was abandoned in 1865 at the end of the war. Current StatusUnknown
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