Fort Maurepas (3) (1739-1760) - A French fur trading fort established in 1739 for Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de La Vérendrye near present day Fort Alexander, Manitoba. Named Fort Maurepas after Jean-Frédéric Phélypeaux, Count of Maurepas, French Minister of Marine. This fort was relocated from the site of Fort Maurepas (2). The fort was probably abandoned from 1739-1742. It burned down in 1747, rebuilt in 1748, and burned down again in 1763. Probably abandoned by 1760.
Fort Maurepas Marker Pylon
This fort was relocated from the site of Fort Maurepas (2) on the Red River to the north bank of the Winnipeg River, within the present-day Fort Alexander Indian Reserve. The fort was probably abandoned from 1739-1742. It burned down in 1747, rebuilt in 1748, and burned down again in 1763. Probably abandoned by 1760.