Battery 155 - Fort Schwatka

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Battery 155 - Fort Schwatka (1941-1943) - Battery 155 - Fort Schwatka was a temporary, World War II, 155mm coastal gun battery on Panama mounts. Located on Fort Fort Schwatka, Amaknak Island, Aleutians West Census Area, Alaska. Battery construction started in the summer of 1941, was completed in 1943. Deactivated and partially overbuilt by Battery 402 in 1943.

World War II

Part of the Harbor Defense of Dutch Harbor.

Originally built as a temporary World War II coastal gun battery with four 155mm M-1917A1 rapid fire guns mounted on M-1917 mobile carriages. These guns were originally emplaced in field artillery positions while concrete Panama mounts were constructed. The chosen battery site on Ulakta Head did not have road access so the 13-ton guns and carriages were pulled up the steep hillside on wooden sleds by a "donkey" engine. A road was constructed to the battery site later in the summer of 1941.

The maximum range of the guns was about 12 miles. Each of the guns required a crew of 18 men who were quartered nearby. Elements of the National Guard 250th Coastal Artillery served at Fort Schwatka until May 1943.

155mm M1918 Gun at Fort Morgan
Panama Mount at Fort Pickens

File:Fort Fort Schwatka Battery 155 - Fort Schwatka Plan.jpg
Battery 155 - Fort Schwatka Plan

Current Status

No period guns or carriages in place. Of the four Panama Mounts, two remain exposed, one is buried in earth and rubble, and one was destroyed by the construction of Battery 402.


Location: Fort Schwatka on Amaknak Island, Aleutians West Census Area, Alaska

Maps & Images

Lat: 53.92379 Long: -166.51614

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  • Elevation: .....'

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