Battery AMTB - Amaknak Spit
Battery AMTB - Amaknak Spit (1944-1950) - Battery AMTB - Amaknak Spit was a reinforced concrete World War II AMTB rapid fire 90mm gun battery on Fort Schwatka, Aleutians West Census Area, Alaska. Battery construction was completed and transferred to the Coastal Artillery for use in 1944. Reportedly deactivated in 1950. World War IIPart of the Harbor Defense of Dutch Harbor. The AMTB battery on Amaknak Spit consisted of two 90mm guns mounted on 90mm M3 fixed gun mounts, two 90mm guns mounted on 90mm M1A1 mobile gun mounts and two 37mm guns mounted on M3 mobile mounts. Concrete pads were provided for both fixed guns and often wooden gun platforms were provided for the mobile guns. A single steel 10' by 40' earth-covered magazine provided protection for the ammunition. Electric power was provided by M-7 portable generators. A single 10' by 12' frame building was constructed as an improvised Battery Commander's (BC) Station by U.S. Army Engineers. The cantonment area supporting the battery Included seventeen 16' by 36' enlisted barracks, one 16' by 36' officer's barracks, a standard M-118 Mess Hall, a single 16' by 36' latrine and four other support buildings. The battery had a dual mission of defense against fast enemy motor torpedo boats and enemy aircraft. The effective range of the guns was about 8,000 yards or 4.5 miles. Each weapon required a crew of 15, 9 men in the gun squad and 6 men in the ammunition squad. By August 1944 the mobile guns and ordinance were reported in storage at Fort Mears but the Battery was also listed to be retained for the "Duration of Emergency". The battery was reportedly not deactivated until 1950.
Current StatusNo period guns or mounts in place. An August 1997 Coast Defense Group (CDSG) visit to the site found no remains of the battery.
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