Camp Atkinson (3)
HistoryCamp Atkinson was a tent encampment erected on the north bank of the Kanawha River on 27 Jun 1898. It replaced an earlier site in Kanawha City, Camp Lee, which had been unpopular with locals. Volunteers from surrounding communities were brought to the camp over the summer and organized into the 2nd West Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment. The camp came to house some 1,300 soldiers. Here they received their uniforms, supplies and performed military drills for training. Camp Atkinson was dismantled on 19 Aug 1898 when the regiment was transferred to Camp Meade in Pennsylvania. The Spanish-American War ended on August 12 Aug 1898 and the 2nd West Virginia was never deployed into combat, it was later mustered out of service on 10 Apr 1899. Current StatusNothing of the site remains today because of the war's short duration.
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