Category:Washington WWII Army Airfields

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World War II Army Airfields in Washington
ID Army Air Field Location County Est GPS Notes
WA0081 Bellingham Army Airfield Bellingham Whatcom County 48.7925,
WA0136 Ellensburg Army Airfield Ellensburg Kittitas County 47.033056,
WA0136 Ephrata Army Airfield Ephrata Grant County 47.308056,
WA0141 Felts Field Spokane Spokane County 47.6830,
Aux of Geiger AAF
WA0156 Geiger Army Airfield Spokane Spokane County 47.62-117.533889,
WA0161 Gray Army Airfield Fort Lewis Pierce County 47.079167,
Now on JB Lewis–McChord
WA0000 McChord Army Airfield Tacoma Pierce County 47.1475,
Now on JB Lewis–McChord
WA0000 Moses Lake Army Air Base Moses Lake Grant County 47.207778,
WA0000 Olympia Army Airfield Tumwater Thurston County 46.969444,
Sat of McChord Field
WA0000 Paine Army Airfield Everett Snohomish County 47.906111,
WA0000 Port Angeles Army Airfield Port Angeles Clallam County 48.120278,
WA0000 Port Townsend Army Airfield Port Hadlock Jefferson County 48.053889,
WA0000 Spokane Air Depot Spokane Spokane County 47.615,
WA0000 Walla Walla Army Airfield Walla Walla Walla Walla County 46.094692,