Camp Clark (1)
HistoryCamp Clark (1) was the successor to Camp Sadler (2) both in Carson City Nevada. Camp Sadler had been established in June 1898 at the racetrack, east of the capital building, in the southeast outskirts of Carson City. In mid-August 1898, the assembled troops were moved from Camp Sadler at the Racetrack to Treadway Park in northwest Carson City. The racetrack’s owner had wanted the camp moved so the track could be prepared for the fall racing season. This second camp for the 1st Nevada Volunteer Infantry was named Camp Clark. Camp Clark was located at Treadway Park on the west side of town. The assembled troops were mustered out of service by late October 1898 and the Camp was abandoned. Current StatusOnly a small portion of Treadway Park still exists at the intersection of West William Street and North Minnesota Street. The area has been overbuilt by medical-related facilities. The GPS coordinates are for the center of the remaining park.
See Also:
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