Fort Greene (2)
More information at Warlike and Wikipedia
Fort Greene (2) (1940-1947) - An World War II Coastal Fort first established in 1940 at Point Judith, Washington County, Rhode Island. Named Fort Nathanael Greene in War Department General Order #8, 1940, after Major General Nathanael Greene, Continental Army. Deactivated and declared excess in 1947.
World War IIPart of the Harbor Defense of Narragansett Bay. Acquired in 1939-1942 by condemnation as three separate parcels of land and known as Fort Greene (East), Fort Greene (West) and Fort Greene (South). First known as Point Judith Military Reservation and then officially named as Fort Nathanael Greene in 1940. Two 100 series 16" gun batteries and one 200 series 6" gun battery were planned, one on each parcel of land. Two of these were completed and armed, the second 16" battery was completed but never armed even though the guns were on site. A fourth parcel of land was acquired in 1942 for construction of four Panama mounts for 155mm guns. Limited post construction took place with temporary World War II structures but for most of its life the post operated as a sub-post of Fort Adams (2). Proof firing of the 16" guns on the East Reservation took place February-August 1943. Proof firing of the 6" battery on the South Reservation took place December 1943 - March 1944. The post was deactivated 31 Jul 1947 and declared excess on 31 Dec 1947.
Current StatusPrivate, city and state development.
Links: Visited: 1 Jun 2012