Battery Livingston

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Battery Livingston (1899-1943) - Battery Livingston was a reinforced concrete, Endicott Period 12 inch coastal mortar battery on Fort Miley, California. The battery was named in G.O. 194, 27 Dec 1904 after Col LaRhett Livingston, 3rd U.S. Artillery, who died March 1903. Battery construction started 27 Nov 1899, was completed 1902 and transferred to the Coastal Artillery for use 26 Sep 1902 at a cost of $ 174,050.89. Deactivated in 1943.

Battery Livingston History

Template:HDSan Francisco

Endicott Period

Originally built as an Endicott Period concrete coastal mortar battery with sixteen 12" M1890MI mortars mounted on M1896MI mortar carriages.
Template:FtMileyBattery Livingston

Battery Livingston Plan

World War I

The U.S. entry into World War I resulted in a widespread removal of large caliber coastal defense gun tubes for service in Europe. Many of the gun and mortar tubes removed were sent to arsenals for modification and mounting on mobile carriages, both wheeled and railroad. Most of the removed gun tubes never made it to Europe and were either remounted or remained at the arsenals until needed elsewhere.

World War II

Current Status

Part of the Golden Gate Recreation Area (GGNRA) administered by the National Park Service. No period guns or mounts in place.


Location: Fort Miley, California

Maps & Images

Lat: 37.783104 Long: -122.501609

  • Multi Maps from ACME
  • Maps from Bing
  • Maps from Google
  • Elevation: 346.3'



Visited: 23 Aug 2009

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