Battery Huger
Battery Huger (1899-1943) - Battery Huger was a reinforced concrete, Endicott Period 12 inch coastal gun battery on Fort Sumpter, South Carolina. The battery was named in G.O. 194, 27 Dec 1904 after Bvt. Maj. Gen. Isaac Huger, Continental Army (Brig. Gen. Continental Army), Revolutionary War veteran, who died 17 Oct 1797. Battery construction started in 1897, was completed in 1898 and transferred to the Coastal Artillery for use 15 Jun 1899 at a cost of $ 97,200.00. Deactivated in 1943.
Battery Huger History
Part of the Harbor Defense of Charleston.
Endicott Period
Originally built as an Endicott Period concrete coastal gun battery with two 12" M1888MII guns, one mounted on an M1892 Barbette carriage and one mounted on an M1896 disappearing carriage.
Empl No |
Caliber Type |
Barrel Length |
Model | Serial No |
Manufacturer | Carriage | Service Dates |
Notes | |
1 | 12" Rifle | 440" | M1888MII | 30 | Watervliet | Barbette, M1892, #14, Morgan | 1899-1943 | See note 1 | |
2 | 12" Rifle | 440" | M1888MII | 22 | Watervliet | Disappearing, M1896, #17, Bethlehem | 1899-1943 | See note 1 | |
Source: RCW Form 1, 1 Jul 1921, Coast Defense Study Group, Berhow, Mark A. ed, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, CDSG Press, McLean, VA, 2004, ISBN 0-9748167-0-1, pages 136-139, Note 1: Guns and carriages ordered scrapped 6 Dec 1942 and 9 Dec 1943 |
World War I
The U.S. entry into World War I resulted in a widespread removal of large caliber coastal defense gun tubes for service in Europe. Many of the gun and mortar tubes removed were sent to arsenals for modification and mounting on mobile carriages, both wheeled and railroad. Most of the removed gun tubes never made it to Europe and were either remounted or remained at the arsenals until needed elsewhere.
World War II
Current Status
No period guns or mounts in place.
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Location: Fort Sumpter, South Carolina Maps & Images Lat: 32.7523573 Long: -79.8746663 |
Visited: 23 Jan 2010
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