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Revision as of 20:10, 3 February 2011 by John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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FortWiki ToDo List

This is a list of requested pages to be added or updated. Feel free to add the fort you want to see! Make sure you are logged in and then click on the edit button above. Add your fort to the list. Make sure you click the Save button to record your entry.


  • Camp Sheridan (2), Nebraska <== North of Hay Springs?
  • Fort Mitchell, Nebraska <=== At least three Fort Mitchells in Nebraska which one are you interested in?
  • Camp Atlanta, Nebraska <=== Need More info on this one can't find it

A Lake Ontario and Lake Champlain tour:

  • Are you interested in missile installations? There are twelve missile silos from the early 1960s ringing Plattsburgh AFB, in both NY and VT

Mohawk Valley, New York State:

Reconstructions in New York State (of varying accuracy):



Closer to home:

  • American Camp, San Juan Island, WA where earthworks constructed under the direction of an officer named Roberts (who later wrote his "Rules of Order") can be seen. British Camp is on the opposite end of the Island.

On Deck

In Progress

Harbor Defense of Portland and related Forts & Military Reservations
