Four trading posts were established along a 15 mile stretch of the South Platte River in present day Weld County. The four posts were competitors for the same furs trapped by both Indians and anglo fur trappers. The primary furs involved were buffalo hides.
- Fort Vasquez (1835-1842) Louis Vasquez and Andrew W. Sublette Rocky Mountain Fur Company
- Fort Lupton (1836-1845) Lancaster P. Lupton
- Fort Jackson (1837-1839) Henry Fraeb and Peter A. Sarpy Pratte, Chouteau Company
- Fort St Vrain (1837-1844) Bent, St. Vrain & Company
These four posts were located roughly midway between Bents Old Fort on the Arkansas River and Fort William (1834-1845) at the junction of the Laramie River and the North Platte River (later known as Fort Laramie).