Mission San Nicolas de Tolentino

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Mission San Nicolas de Tolentino (1674-c1675) - A Chacato (Chatot) Indian Spanish mission established in 1674 near present day Marianna, Jackson County, Florida. Abandoned circa 1675.

Mission San Nicolas de Tolentino History

Established 22 Jun 1674 as a Spanish mission to the Chacato (Chatot) Indians in Jackson County, Florida. The mission was built by a party of Spanish missionaries and soldiers at a Chacato villiage described as located in front of a large cave between the Chipola River and Holmes Creek. The church was dedicated 22 Jun 1674 and the first baptism took place that same day. The mission was destroyed during an Indian uprising about a year later and not rebuilt.

Current Status

Exact location not known, near Marianna, Jackson County, Florida


Location: Near Marianna, Jackson County, Florida. Map point is not be accurate.

Maps & Images

Lat: 30.79634 Long: -85.22081

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  • Elevation: .....'

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