Newport News Port of Embarkation

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Newport News Port of Embarkation (1917-1919) - A U.S. Army World War I Port of Embarkation established in 1917 in Newport News, Newport News City, Virginia. Abandoned in 1919. Also known as Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation.

World War I

One two U.S. Army Ports of Embarkation established in 1917 to process, men, equipment, supplies and animals for water transport to Europe for use during World War I.

Newport News Port of Embarkation Activities
Newport News Sites Norfolk Sites
  1. Debarkation Hospital No. 52 (near Richmond, Va.)
  2. Camp Alexander (1) (stevedore and labor battalions)
  3. Camp Morrison (aviation camp)
  4. Animal Embarkation Depot No. 301
  5. Camp Hill (1)
  6. Motor Truck Corps
  7. Quartermaster General supply depot (brewery units)
  8. Camp Stuart (4)
  9. Embarkation hospital
  10. Port administration headquarters
  11. Debarkation Hospital No. 51 (near Hampton, Va.)
  12. Miscellaneous activities
  1. Army supply base (near Tanner's Point)
  2. Norfolk Engineers' depot (near Lambert's Point)
  3. General Ordnance supply depot (Pig Point)
  4. Miscellaneous activities

At the end of the war in November 1918 the port became a debarkation and demobilization center until it was abandoned in 1919.

Current Status

Several markers for individual camps in Newport News, Newport News City, Virginia. A victory Arch built in 1919 remains (rebuilt in 1962). Troops returning from the war marched under this arch.


Location:Newport News, Newport News City, Virginia. Map point is the Victory Arch location.

Maps & Images

Lat: 36.976917 Long: -76.432389



Visited: No

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