Seminole War II

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Second Seminole War (1835-1842)


United States government decides removal of all Indians in Florida to the Indian Territory in the West (present day Oklahoma) was the best solution to continued conflict between the Seminoles and white settlers. By 1834, 3,824 Indians had been removed to the west.

December 28, 1835

On 28 Dec 1835, Seminole Indians led by Osceola attacked and killed the Indian agent General Wiley Thompson and six others in his party outside the Fort King stockade. Thompson was shot 14 times and scalped.
Dade Massacre - That same day, Major Francis Dade and his troops are ambushed by 300 Seminole warriors near Fort King (Ocala), starting the Second Seminole War – beginning of mass removal of the Seminoles to the Indian Territory.

December 25, 1837

Battle of Lake Okeechobee - In December 1837 Colonel Zachary Taylor was on his way to Lake Okeechobee to round up Seminole Indians resisting removal. On Christmas day, 25 Dec 1837, Colonel Taylor and about 1,100 U.S. troops were ambushed by some 400 Seminole Indians under chiefs Alligator, Billy Bowlegs and Abiaca. The Seminoles had carefully prepared the site, even cutting the grass to clear a field of fire. The Seminole fire was devastating and Colonel Taylor's direct approach made the situation even worse. The U.S. forces suffered 26 killed and 112 wounded while the Seminoles had only 11 killed and 14 wounded. The Seminoles carefully selected their targets and many of the officers and NCOs were among the dead and wounded. Colonel Taylor was forced to retire to Fort Basinger in what was a tactical victory for the Seminoles. Strategically, Colonel Taylor had demonstrated the ability of U.S. forces to penetrate deep into Seminole territory with large forces and with improved tactics they would certainly prevail in the removal effort. Colonel Taylor was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General soon after the battle and later, in May 1838, assumed command of operations in Florida from Major General Thomas S. Jesup.

June or July, 1837

Capture of Osceola under false flag of truce.

January 30, 1838

Osceola dies at Fort Moultrie, South Carolina.


End of the Second Seminole War – By the end of the war, 4,420 Seminoles had surrendered and been deported to the west.

See Also:
