Fort Grant (1)
Fort Grant (1) (1860-1873) - A U.S. Army post established in 1860 as Camp San Pedro River by Captain Richard S. Ewell and troops from the 1st U.S. Dragoons at Fort Buchanan (1). Located on the north bank of Aravaipa Creek south of present-day Dudleyville in Pinal County, Arizona. See the name history below. Abandoned in 1873 for Fort Grant (2). Also known as Fort Aravaipa, Fort Breckinridge (1), Camp Stanford and Camp Grant (1). HistoryThe second U.S. Army post in the Arizona Territory in the Gadsden Purchase. Established to protect emigrant wagon trains and to control hostile Apache Indians. The garrison was withdrawn at the beginning of the U.S. Civil War and it was burned to prevent it from being used by intruding Confederates from Texas. The fort was regarrisoned on 18 May 1862 by California volunteer troops under Lieutenant Colonel Joseph R. West who renamed the post Camp Stanford. That garrison was withdrawn on 29 Jun 1862 and the post remained without a garrison until after the war. In October 1865 Colonel Thomas F. Wright, 2nd California Volunteer Infantry, reestablished the post and on 1 Nov 1865 it was renamed Camp Grant (1).
Current StatusFew remains on private property south of Dudleyville, Pinal County, Arizona
Fortification ID:
Visited: No