Fort Worth ARTCC
Fort Worth ARTCC (1962-Active) - One of 22 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC)s in the United States. Established in 1962 near DFW Airport in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. Assigned a FAA ID of ZFW. Active FAA Air Traffic Control Center. Also known as Fort Worth Center.
HistoryThe Fort Worth ARTCC (ZFW) was first established on 1 Mar 1939 in the Administration Building at Meacham Field. The Center was later moved to the second floor over the Majestic Theatre in downtown Fort Worth and then to the old FAA Regional Office compound off Blue Mound Road in Fort Worth. The center was moved to its current location south of DFW Airport on 31 Mar 1962. The Fort Worth ARTCC is currently located at 13800 FAA Blvd, Fort Worth, Texas. The Fort Worth Center covers a part of the FAA's Central service area. Fort Worth Center is responsible for more than 147,000 square nautical miles of airspace including parts of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arkansas. This airspace is divided into six areas of specialization, with a total of 45 sectors. Within the geographical boundaries of ZFW, there are 3 long-range FAA radar sites, 11 terminal radar approach control (TRACON) facilities and 9 military radar facilities to which we delegate airspace. The largest of those is Dallas/Fort Worth TRACON. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) system of 24 FAA Area Control Centers, 20 in the lower 48 United States, one in Alaska, one in Hawaii, one in Puerto Rica and one in Guam. The system operates with radar data provided by FAA radar sites, DoD radar sites, and other federal agency radar sites. These centers provide en route and oceanic services to private, commercial, and military aircraft overflying their respective control areas. As aircraft enter or exit from one control area to the next, responsibility for the aircraft is transferred to the gaining ARTCC. Voice communication between aircraft and the ARTCCs is supported by a network of ground-air radio sites often co-located with the radar sites. The gathering of radar, beacon and other sensor data are now largely automated and continuous, but the actions necessary to control the airspace are conversational and require some 14,000 FAA air traffic controllers talking directly to pilots in the air and on the ground at terminals. This number does not include military air traffic controllers.
Note: This list includes only long-range FAA Radar Sites listed with this ARTCC as the Overlying Enroute Center. Adjacent ARTCC sector sites are not shown and short-range terminal radar sites are not shown. Current StatusActive FAA facility in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas.
See Also: Sources:
Links: Visited: 19 Sep 2019