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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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{{CanFortList|Loc=Fort Pepperrell (2)|Start=1941|Stop=1961|Town=St. John's|State=NL|Lat=47.58611|Lon=-52.69194|Notes=}}
{{CanFortList|Loc=Fort Pepperrell (2)|Start=1941|Stop=1961|Town=St. John's|State=NL|Lat=47.58611|Lon=-52.69194|Notes=}}
{{CanFortList|Loc=Fort Chain Rock|Start=1673|Stop=Unk|Town=St. John's|State=NL|Lat=|Lon=|Notes=}}
{{CanFortList|Loc=Fort Chain Rock|Start=1673|Stop=Unk|Town=St. John's|State=NL|Lat=|Lon=|Notes=}}
{{CanFortList|Loc=Fort William (9)|Start=1697|Stop=1867|Town=St. John's|State=NL|Lat=|Lon=|Notes=}}
{{CanFortList|Loc=Fort William (9)|Start=1697|Stop=1867|Town=St. John's|State=NL|Lat=47.57078|Lon=-52.7006|Notes=Marker only}}
{{CanFortList|Loc=Fort St. George (3)|Start=1697|Stop=1713|Town=St. John's|State=NL|Lat=47.57078|Lon=-52.7006|Notes=Marker only}}
{{CanFortList|Loc=Fort St. George (3)|Start=1697|Stop=1713|Town=St. John's|State=NL|Lat=47.57078|Lon=-52.7006|Notes=}}
{{CanFortList|Loc=Fort Townshend (2)|Start=1775|Stop=1867|Town=St. John's|State=NL|Lat=47.566275|Lon=-52.712535|Notes=}}
{{CanFortList|Loc=Fort Townshend (2)|Start=1775|Stop=1867|Town=St. John's|State=NL|Lat=47.566275|Lon=-52.712535|Notes=}}
{{CanFortList|Loc=Quidi Vidi Battery|Start=1762|Stop=1870|Town=St. John's|State=NL|Lat=|Lon=|Notes=}}
{{CanFortList|Loc=Quidi Vidi Battery|Start=1762|Stop=1870|Town=St. John's|State=NL|Lat=|Lon=|Notes=}}

Revision as of 08:55, 28 February 2016

Newfoundland Fortifications (edit list)
Fortification From To Town State GPS Notes
Fort McAndrew 1941 1946/1994 Argentia NL 47.30987,
Battery 281 1942 19?? Argentia NL 47.29017,
Battery 282 1942 19?? Argentia NL 47.27364,
Battery 604 1942 194? Argentia NL 47.31668,
Latrine Point 2-6"
Battery 954 1942 194? Argentia NL Shalloway Point 2-6"
Battery 955 1942 194? Argentia NL Issac Point 2-3"
Battery AMTB - Roche Point 1942 1946 Argentia NL 47.31779,
Battery AMTB - Ship Harbor Point 1942 1946 Argentia NL 2-90mm
Battery T8503 1942 1946 Stephenville NL Harmon Field 2-155mm
Fort Plaisance 1660 1685 Placentia NL 47.1416,
Fort Louis (2) 1691 1790's Jerseyside NL 47.25124,
Redoubt Gaillardin 1692 1692 Jerseyside NL
Fort Royal 1693 1811 Jerseyside NL 47.2511,
Fort Frederick (6) 1717 1813 Placentia NL 47.24928,
St. Bride's Radar Station 1942 1945 St. Bride's NL
Point Verde Battery 1675 ? Point Verde NL
Trepassey Battery 1779 1815 Trepassey NL
Renews Battery 1778 1815 Renews NL
Ferryland Fort 1621 1673 Ferryland NL
Bay Bulls Fort 1638 Unk Bay Bulls NL
Cape Spear Radar Station 1942 1945 Cape Spear NL
St. John's Agency 1918 1932 St. John's NL
Fort Cape Spear 1941 1949 Cape Spear NL
Blackhead Dummy Battery 1941 1944 Blackhead NL 47.53111,
Fort Amherst (4) 1941 1945 St. John's NL 47.5636,
Signal Hill 1696 1945 St. John's NL 47.57006,
Fort Pepperrell (2) 1941 1961 St. John's NL 47.58611,
Fort Chain Rock 1673 Unk St. John's NL
Fort William (9) 1697 1867 St. John's NL 47.57078,
Marker only
Fort St. George (3) 1697 1713 St. John's NL 47.57078,
Fort Townshend (2) 1775 1867 St. John's NL 47.566275,
Quidi Vidi Battery 1762 1870 St. John's NL
Red Cliff Battery 1942 1946 Red Cliff Head NL
Middle Cove Battery 1942 1945 Middle Cove NL
Bell Island Battery 1940 1945 Wabana NL 47.63039,
Manuels Battery 1942 1945 Manuels NL 2-155mm
Conception Bay Battery 1942 1945 Conception Bay NL 2-155mm
Cuper's Cove Fort 1610 1624 Cupids NL
Peter Easton's Fort 1612 1614 Harbour Grace NL
Carbonear Battery 1812 1815 Carbonear NL 47.73982,
Fort Carbonear 1679 1762 Carbonear Island NL 47.73738,
Heart's Content Fort 1697 1697 Heart's Content NL
Trinity Fort 1744 1815 Trinity NL
Fox Island Fort 1705 Unk Fox Island NL 48.37369,
Elliston Ridge Air Station 1942 1945 Elliston NL
Bonavista Fort 1690s 1710s Bonavista NL
Fogo Battery 1779 1815 Fogo Island NL
Fogo Island Radar Station 1942 1945 Sandy Cove NL
Phillip's Head Battery 1940 1945 Phillip's Head NL
Wiseman's Cove Battery 1940 1943 Laurenceton NL
Lewisporte Battery 1940 1945 Lewisporte NL
Red Cliff Air Station 1951 1961 Red Cliff Head NL 47.63889,
St. Anthony Air Station 1953 1968 St. Anthony NL 51.34917,
Stephenville Air Station 1952 1971 Stephenville NL 48.58917,
Harmon Air Force Base 1941 1966 Stephenville NL 48.54715,
Pepperrell Air Force Base 1941 1966 St. John's NL 47.586111,
McAndrew Air Force Base 1948 1955 Argentia NL 47.30987,
Battery AMTB - Black Point 1942 194? Black Point NL 47.19458,
Battery AMTB - Isaac's Point 1942 194? Isaac's Point NL 47.32253,
Queens Battery 1796 1870 St. John's NL 47.56864,