Category:Ontario Forts: Difference between revisions

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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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John Stanton (talk | contribs)
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<googlemap version="0.9" lat="50.092393" lon="-84.023437" zoom="5" width="800" height="600" scale="yes" type="map" overview="yes" controls="large">
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="50.092393" lon="-84.023437" zoom="5" width="800" height="600" scale="yes" type="map" overview="yes" controls="large">
(F) 44.230264, -76.459681
[[Fort Henry (3)]]<br>(1832-1891)
(F) 42.89325, -78.923817
(F) 42.89325, -78.923817
[[Fort Erie]]<br>(1764-1823)
[[Fort Erie]]<br>(1764-1823)
(F) 44.230948, -76.459705
[[Fort Henry (3)]]<br>(1812-1891)
(F) 44.2274368, -76.4697111
[[Fort Frederick (3)]]<br>(1812-1870)
(F) 44.233333, -76.478611
[[Fort Frontenac]]<br>(1673-Present)
(T) 44.2291666, -76.458478
[[East Branch Tower]]<br>(1846-1870)
(T) 44.2315344, -76.462158
[[West Branch Tower]]<br>(1846-1870)
(T) 44.2253149, -76.454208
[[Cathcart Tower]]<br>(1848-1870)
(T) 44.2276751, -76.4695395
[[Fort Frederick Tower]]<br>(1846-1870)
(T) 44.2287668, -76.4781976
[[Shoal Tower]]<br>(1847-1870)
(T) 44.2222164, -76.4904393
[[Murney Tower]]<br>(1846-1885)

[[Category:Canadian Forts]]
[[Category:Canadian Forts]]

Revision as of 05:02, 2 August 2012
