Fort John Custis

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Fort John Custis ((1940-1981) - Established in 1940 as Fort Winslow to complement Fort Story in protecting the entrance to Chesapeake Bay. Renamed Fort John Custis 14 Oct 1942 after Capt. John Parke Custis. The Fort closed in 1948 and was occupied by Cape Charles Air Force Station from 1949 to 1981.

History of Fort John Custis

Part of the Harbor Defense of Chesapeake Bay.

Fort John Custis World War II Battery (edit list)
Click on Battery links below
No. Caliber Type Mount Service Years Battery Cost Notes
Battery 122
Battery Winslow
2 16" Casemated
Barbette (CBC)
1941-1943-1943-1948 $ 1,531,866 Navy Gun
(16" 1940 Program)
Battery 123 2 16" Casemated
Barbette (CBC)
Not Built $ ? Navy Gun
(16" 1940 Program)
Battery 228 2 6" Shielded Barbette (SBC) 1942-1943-1943-NA $ 230,398 Buried
Battery 227 2 6" Shielded Barbette (SBC) 1942-1943-1943-1965 $ 271,352 Guns to
Battery 234,
Fort Pickens
Battery AMTB 20 - Fishermans Island 2 3" Pedestal Mount 1942-1942-1944-1944 $ 16,465 Guns from
Battery Lee (2),
Fort Wool (1)
Battery AMTB 24 - Fishermans Island 2 90mm Fixed AMTB 1942-1943-1944-1946 $ 6,937
Battery 155 - Fishermans Island 4 155mm Mobile
Panama Mounts
1942-194? $ ?
Source: CDSG
Fort John Custis Plan 1945

Cold War

The U.S. Air Force created the Cape Charles Air Force Station as Lashup site L-15 here in Apr 1950 manned by the 771st AC&W Squadron. Closed 1 Jun 1981 as the 771st Radar Squadron (Sage) and became the property of the US Fish & Wildlife Service in 1984.

Current Status

The Fort property is now the Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge.


Location: Located on the tip of Cape Charles, Virginia at the entrance to Chesapeake Bay.

Maps & Images

Lat: 37.133543 Long: -75.956375



Picture Gallery

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