Fort Levett

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Fort Levett (1894-1948) - An Endicott Period Coastal Fort first established in 1894 on Cushing's Island in Cumberland County, Maine. Named in G.O. 43, 4 Apr 1900, after Christopher Levett, who explored Portland Harbor in 1623 and built the first fortified structure in the vicinity. Abandoned in 1948.

Endicott Period

Part of the Harbor Defense of Portland, Maine.

Fort Levett Endicott Period Battery (edit list)
Click on Battery links below
No. Caliber Type Mount Service Years Battery Cost Notes
Battery Bowdoin 3 12" Disappearing 1898-1903-1903-1943 $ 190,291
Battery Kendrick 2 10" Disappearing 1898-1903-1903-1942 $ 118,578
Battery Ferguson 2 6" Pedestal 1906-1947 $ 58,500
Battery Daniels 2 3" Masking Parapet 1903-1920 $ 14,994
Source: CDSG
Fort Levett Plan

World War I

World War II

Current Status

Part of , Cumberland County, Maine.


Location: Fort Levett, Cumberland County, Maine.

Maps & Images

Lat: 43.6431387 Long: -70.1953252



Visited: No

Fort Levett Picture Gallery

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