Griffiss JSS ROCC

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Griffiss JSS ROCC (1983-Active) - A Cold War JSS System Regional Operations Control Center (ROCC) first established in 1983 on Griffiss AFB, Rome, Oneida County, New York. Active military installation. Also known as Northeast Regional Operations Control Center, Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS), .

Rome Sector Operations Center

Griffiss Regional Operations Control Center (ROCC)

Established in 1983 and became operational in October 1983 as Griffiss Regional Operations Control Center (ROCC).

In 1983 the USAF SAGE System was shut down and replaced by the JSS System. The JSS System used Joint Use (USAF/FAA) radar sites connected to a series of Regional Operation Control Centers (ROCC). Some of ROCCs were established in the old SAGE facilities and some were placed in new purpose built facilities. The ROCCs and the new mix of radar sites were generally placed along the perimeter of the United States.

In the Northeast Sector the 24th AD moved to a new facility on Griffiss AFB and established a Regional Operations Control Center (ROCC) using the FYQ-93 computer system. The FYQ-93 system used solid-state technology that greatly reduced space, power, and manpower requirements.

Griffiss ROCC FYQ-93 Computer Consoles circa 1983-1984.
Griffiss/Rome JSS Regional Operations Control Center
Operator Comand Acronym Sector From To Notes
24th Air Division TAC/ADTAC ROCC NEADS 1983-12-01 1985-12-06 ROCC Established
24th Air Division TAC ROCC NEADS 1985-12-06 1986-10-01 Realined to TAC
24th Air Division TAC SOCC NEADS 1986-10-01 1987-07-01 SOCC operation begins
24th Air Division TAC SOCC NEADS 1987-07-01 1990-09-30 Transition period to ACC/1st AF
New York ANG ACC/1st AF SOCC NEADS 1990-10-01 1997-00-00 NYANG operation begins.
New York ANG ACC/1st AF SAOC NEADS 1997-00-00 2005-11-01 SAOC begins
New York ANG ACC/1st AF SAOC EADS 2005-11-01 2007-00-00 NEADS and SEADS combine into EADS
New York ANG ACC/1st AF SAOC EADS 2007-00-00 Present BCS-F System Implemented.

In 1993 the three remaining Air Defense Sectors in the CONUS began a transitioned from the active duty Air Force to the Air National Guard (ANG). NEADS became Northeast Air Defense Sector (ANG) on 1 Dec 1994.

Griffiss AFB was closed by the BRAC Commission in September 1995. NEADS operated by the New York Air National Guard created a small complex of buildings housing the sector in what was to become a Technology Park. After the closure of Griffiss the sector was then identified as being at Rome New York.

Eastern Air Defense Sector (EADS)

On 1 Nov 2005, NEADS and SEADS consolidated at Rome and later became the Eastern Air Defense Sector (EADS) which is now responsible for the air defense of the eastern half of the United States. The western half is under the Western Air Defense Sector (WADS) at McChord AFB, Washington. This consolidation preceded the implementation of the Battle Control System-Fixed (BCS-F) in 2007. The BCS-F System employs the FYQ-156 computer system with updated technology that enables either EADS or WADS to control the air space over the entire United States.

Current Status

Active military Facility.


Location: 366 Otis St., Rome, Oneida County, New York.

Maps & Images

Lat: 43.21686 Long: -75.40576

  • Multi Maps from ACME
  • Maps from Bing
  • Maps from Google
  • Elevation: .....'

See Also:


  • Winkler, David F., Searching the Skies: the Legacy of the United States Cold War Defense Radar Program, USAF Hq Air Combat Command, 1997, 192 pages, Pdf.
  • Cornett, Lloyd H. & Johnson, Mildred W., A Handbook of Aerospace Defense Organization (1946-1980), Office of History ADC, Peterson AFB, Colorado, 31 Dec 1980, 179 pages, Pdf.
  • Ulmann, Bernd, AN/FSQ-7:the computer that shaped the Cold War, 2014, Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, ISBN 978-3-486-72766-1, 272 pages.


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