Denver FAA Radar Site

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Denver FAA Radar Site (1963-Active) - A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Long Range Radar (LLR) site first established in 1963 near Parker, Arapahoe County, Colorado. The site is used to identify and track military and civilian aircraft movements within a 200-mile radius and to provide air-ground radio communication with those aircraft. Assigned a SAGE System ID of Z-212 and an FAA ID of ZQPK. Active FAA Radar Site.

Denver FAA Radar Site.


This site became an FAA radar site in 1963, furnishing radar track data to the FAA ARTCC's and to USAF Direction Centers. The initial FAA ARSR-1 search radar was later modified to become an ARSR-1D that remained in operation until it was modified to become a Common Air Route Surveillance Radar (CARSR) circa 2015.

A FYQ-47 Common Digitizer was probably placed in service by February 1973 when the USAF/FAA FST-2 to FYQ-47 replacement program was completed.

The nationwide replacement program converting FAA legacy radar systems to the CARSR radar configuration was completed by 17 Aug 2015 and Denver FAA Radar Site was a part of that program. Legacy FAA radars underwent a Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) that replaced key components in the vintage ARSR-1, ARSR-2, FPS-20, FPS-66 and FPS-67 radars. The CARSR program replaced legacy klystron radar transmitters with a solid-state transmitter as well as renovating the radar receiver and signal processor. The CARSR modification also included common digitizer functionality making a separate common digitizer unnecessary. The Denver FAA Radar Site is now operating with the CARSR radar.

The radar site data is available to the USAF/NORAD Battle Control System-Fixed (BCS-F) operations centers (EADS & WADS) as well as the FAA Denver ARTCC and adjacent ARTCCs.

Denver FAA Site Major Equipment List
Search Radar HF Radar Data Systems

Current Status

Active FAA facility near Parker in Arapahoe County, Colorado.


Location: Near Parker in Arapahoe County, Colorado.

Maps & Images

Lat: 39.59417 Long: -104.69306

  • Multi Maps from ACME
  • Maps from Bing
  • Maps from Google
  • Elevation: 6,174'

GPS Locations:

See Also:


  • Winkler, David F., Searching the Skies: the Legacy of the United States Cold War Defense Radar Program, USAF Hq Air Combat Command, 1997, 192 pages, Pdf, page 107.


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