Battery Godfrey

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Battery Godfrey (1896-1942) - Battery Godfrey was a reinforced concrete Endicott Period 12" inch gun battery on Fort Winfield Scott, California. The battery was named by General Order 16, 14 Feb 1902, after Capt. George J. Godfrey, 22nd U.S. Infantry, killed in action 3 Jun 1899 in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. Battery construction started in 1892, was completed in 1896 and transferred to the Coastal Artillery for use 19 Aug 1896. Guns and carriages scrapped 19 Nov 1942.

Battery Godfrey History

Part of the Harbor Defense of San Francisco.

Endicott Period

Battery Godfrey was the first 12" Gun battery built on Fort Winfield Scott and the first in the United States. It was initially built as a 12", three gun, concrete battery with M1888 rifles mounted on M1892 Barbette carriages. Construction began in 1892 and was completed in 1896 and it was transfered for service 19 Jul 1896 but the last gun carriage did not arrive until 21 Jan 1897. The battery was named for Capt. Godfrey in 1902.

Battery Godfrey Armament (edit list)
Model Serial
Manufacturer Carriage Service
1 12" Rifle 440" M1888 9 Watervliet Barbette, M1892, #6, Watertown 1896-1942 See note 1
2 12" Rifle 440" M1888 6 Watervliet Barbette, M1892, #3, Watertown 1896-1942 See note 1
3 12" Rifle 440" M1888 4 Watervliet Barbette, M1892, #2, Watertown 1896-1942 See note 1
Source: RCW Form 1, 1 Mar 1920, CDSG, Berhow, Mark A. ed, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, CDSG Press, McLean, VA, 2004, ISBN 0-9748167-0-1, pages 136, 215
Note 1: Guns and carriages ordered salvaged 19 Nov 1942. CDSG Gun Card Collection from NARA
Battery Godfrey Plan

World War I

World War II

Current Status

No gun or mounts in place.


Location: Fort Winfield Scott, California

Maps & Images

Lat: 37.803611 Long: -122.477222

  • Multi Maps from ACME
  • Maps from Bing
  • Maps from Google
  • Elevation: #1=271.14', #2=271.14', #3=276.15'




Visited: No

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